Center Stage™ screens are acoustically transparent projection screens that gives you the flexibility of placing your speakers behind the image. You can now use a center channel identical to your main speakers, place your existing center vertically behind the screen for improved horizontal frequency response, or have the screen in front of all three speakers for a true cinema experience. The reference-quality woven Center Stage XD screen fabric has the highest gain on the market, providing you with a sharp, bright image from edge to edge at 4K resolutions. With 1,732 holes per square inch, it does not require any EQ, will not audibly comb filter, and attenuates the sound on average 1.4dB above 2kHz.
The Center Stage UF screen fabric features a perfectly smooth surface, no minimum seating distance, and improves black levels by 20%. It also features the acoustical transparency Center Stage screens are known for, with an average attenuation of 2.2dB above 2kHz.
Glacier™ White and Gray screens are diffusion surfaces for a perfectly uniform image in rooms with light control and darker surfaces.
Matinee™ screens feature reflective optical layers to filter out side light from light color room surfaces or ambient light. The Silver 2.0 doubles your image’s white levels and is especially suited for the brightness demands of 3D. The Black can improve your black levels by nine times. The Wide can accommodate larger screens, shorter viewing and projection angles and is the smoothest on the market, now available in MicroPerf (average attenuation of 3.0dB above 2kHz).
Seymour AV screens use only premium components and are custom built here in the US.